Quote 100% Warrior="100% Warrior"Some have short memories on here.
It wasn’t too long ago we had fighting almost weekly in the South Stand and at some away games. So to sit there and label Warrington a “dump” and their fans as “vile” really is rather hypocritical.
I work in Warrington and to be totally honest it’s a very nice place to go and work in. It’s town centre shames ours. Is there rough areas? Of course. Same as there is in Wigan. That comment from a previous poster calling Warrington a dump was totally off track and a great deflection tool.
99% of Warrington fans I’ve met and spoken to, before and after matches (including OT) were highly respectable and good people. Sit and tar them all with the same brush if you will but don’t try and portray all Wigan fans as a shining example of how fans should behave; just remember we have our fair share of idiots also. The pot has called the kettle black numerous times on this thread.'"
Well said pal
I have been home and away this season watching my beloved warriors and away at Warrington and never once felt intimidated or threatened in any way and that was before and after the game whilst mingling with supporters from both clubs
I agree that every club will have a minority of amoeba brains and Wigan is no different as I saw at several matches where someone in the crowd thought it was acceptable to let off flares and one was even thrown onto the pitch at Castleford just behind the cas players
These are highly dangerous pyrotechnics and can burn up to 18000 degrees(the marine flares) so to throw them or even set them off in a close proximity crowd where there are young children present just beggars belief